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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Term Change : Force to Aether

Saya harus bersyukur karena semalam membaca2 tentang Sun Ce, merambat ke Zhuge Ke, berikutnya merambat kemana lagi entah apa yang saya cari hingga pada akhirnya saya sampai pada sebuah bahasan tentang "The Fifth Element", Aether.

Aether bukan hal asing lagi untuk saya, karena sempat memainkan Final Fantasy. Hanya saja di sana namanya Ether.

Sempat ragu dikatakan terlalu "star wars" sekalipun sama sekali ga pernah nonton Star Wars, akhirnya saya menemukan kata lain yang sama kerennya dengan "Force", Aether.

Setelah cukup bingung menimbang-nimbang, kira-kira lebih cocok untuk menggantikan "Astral", "Anima" atau "Force", saya menemukan artikel ini ...


Aether (also spelled ether) is a concept used in ancient and medieval science as a substance. The aether was believed to be the substance which filled the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere. Aristotle included it as a fifth element distinct from the other four, Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Aether was also called Quintessence (from quinta essentia, “fifth element”). Quintessence was also supposed to be a definition of pure energy. Its force is imagined to be like a lightning. This element also has the power of life. Its Platonic solid was the Dodecahedron.

Modern understanding of electromagnetism, including Einstein’s particle theory of light and various scientific experiments of general relativity, has removed the need for a substance like aether to fill the otherwise empty parts of the universe. Newton’s and Maxwell’s aether model (the latter being a “classic static aether”) were both developed from this classical element. However, the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment led (from 1887 onwards) to the decline of an aether model’s wide acceptance. Albert Einstein, in an interpretation he offered for his theory of special relativity, dismissed it, as per Occam’s razor; and, though he later reinstated a logical need for an aether in a commentary on his theory of general relativity, modern astrophysical theories do not include this classical element. One might suppose ‘dark matter’ has supplanted “aether.”

Taken From Wikipedia

(or Akash, Aakaashá, Ākāśa, आकाश) is the Sanskrit word meaning "aether" in both its elemental and metaphysical senses.
Ada website bagus yang membahas tentang Aether ... Klik disini.

Dan akhirnya setelah membaca-baca berbagai sumber, kuputuskan bahwa Aether atau Akasha adalah element ke lima yang mendasari empat element pokok seperti api, angin, air dan tanah. Definisi-definisi Aether cukup mirip dengan pengertianku tentang "force".

Maka dari itulah kuputuskan untuk mengganti "Force" dengan "Aether".

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